Pirms divām dienās atradu ārkārtīgi skaistus vārdus par jogu un meditāciju, kas pieder kādam jogas skolotājam Rišikešā, un ar tiem vēlos noslēgt šo dienu:
Visu dienu tu esi gājis un gājis pa ārējo pasauli. Tagad mazliet paej uz iekšu. Nedari neko. Visu dienu tu esi kaut ko darījis, tagad nedari.
Viss pārējais ir prāta spēle. Joga ir ļoti vienkārša. Tikai vēro un ļaujies plūsmai.
Mazliet piepūlies, lai atbrīvotos no piepūles.
Mūsu darbība ir nedarīšana. Bijušās darbības padarīšana par nebijušu.
Tu vari darboties pasaulē, bet tavs prāts ir brīvs no visa tā, ja tas ir jogā. Tad tu visu notiekošo uztver kā spēli.
Tu vari būt gudrais. Un tad, nākamajā mirklī, prāts var tavu gudrību atņemt.
Lai tavs prāts vienmēr ir iesācēja prāts. Viss, ko tu redzēsi, būs brīnums.
Joga ir dabiska. Cilvēki pašlaik ir nedabiski. Jogā ķermenis un prāts vienojas saskaņā. Tu esi viens vesels un tu esi vienots ar pasauli. Domas nav šķirtas no darbības.
Visam ir savs ātrums. Darbojies savā ātrumā.
Pasaule grib padarīt tevi par mašīnu: dari to un domā to. Bet tu apsēdies un nedomā neko. Kļūsti pats par sevi un dzīvo saskaņā ar sevi.
Jogas sākums ir iekšēja brīvība. Nav nekādu likumu, un viss ir vienkārši. Bet tu esi pilns ar likumiem, un paiet laiks, kamēr tu vari pilnīgi attīrīt un atbrīvot savu prātu.
Visu dienu tu esi kaut ko darījis. Uz brīdi atļauj sev nedomāt. Uz brīdi atļauj sev neraizēties. Tevī dzīvo prieks, atļauj sev baudīt to.
What has happened to me that I no longer publish posts about cooking and crafting? Well, I am looking after my mom's house and breeding a playful kitten (her name, by the way, is Shanti) who soon will face a rather long trip to another part of Latvia to become a dear member of our family.
So far she has shown no enthusiasm for eating something else other than her mom's milk. This is the reason why I'm spending my days in the countryside precisely one week longer than planned and it looks like I'll stay here for another one. I have not a single soul to talk with, except the cats and myself, so I am thinking about different things, watching one movie after another, doing some yoga exercises and catching up on some reading.
Two days ago I found very nice words about yoga and meditation, which belong to some yoga teacher in Rishikesh. I hope this quote will inspire someone as much as it inspired me:
All day you have walked and walked around the outer world. Now go a little bit inwards. Do not do anything. All day you have done something, now do nothing.
Everything else is a mind game. Yoga is very simple. Just watch and surrender to the flow.
Make a little effort to get rid of the effort.
Our activity is doing nothing. Making the former action not happened.
You can act in the world, yet your mind is free from all that if it is in yoga. Then you look at the ongoing simply as a game.
You can be a sage. And then, the next moment, your mind can take away your wisdom.
Let your mind always be a beginner's mind. Everything you see will be a miracle.
Yoga is natural. People today are unnatural. Yoga harmonizes the body and the mind. You are the whole and you are united with the world. Thoughts cannot be separated from action.
Everything has its own speed. Act at your speed.
The world wants to turn you into a machine: do this and think that. But you just sit down and do not think about anything. Become yourself and live within yourself.
The beginning of yoga is internal freedom. There are no rules, everything is easy. Though, you are full of rules and it will take some time to completely clean and free your mind.
All day you have done something. For a moment, let yourself not think. For a moment, allow yourself not to worry. There is joy inside you, let yourself enjoy it.