A review of previous entries showed that I have not published any recipe for a long time. Of course, this does not mean that I starve my family and myself. Not at all. I keep on peeling, chopping, frying, cooking and stewing twice a day, yet I always forget to take photos of the readymade dishes :) Today I've grown better and offer your taste buds to assess my potato and leek soup. Although this dish is rather traditional, I always find people who haven't tried it.
Kartupeļu un puravu krēmzupa
Sastāvdaļas (2 personām):
1/2 l karsta ūdens
3 lieli kartupeļi
3 puravi
1 burkāns
1/2 selerijas kāta (var iztikt bez tā)
3 ķiploka daiviņas
saišķītis pētersīļu
nedaudz diļļu un svaiga bazilika
malti melnie pipari
nigellas sēkliņas
ghī sviests (cepšanai)
paprikas gabaliņi un pētersīļa lapiņas (rotāšanai)
Potato and leek soup
Ingredients (serves 2):
1/2 l hot water
3 large peeled potatoes, cut into 1 cm cubes
3 leeks (pale section only), thinly sliced
1 carrot, peeled and grated
1/2 stalk celery, coarsely chopped (optional)
1 yellow onion, coarsely chopped
3 cloves garlic
fresh parsley, dill and basil
ground black pepper
nigella seeds
ghee or cooking oil (for frying)
tiny cubes of red bell pepper and parsley leaves (for garnish)
Sīpolus un ķiplokus sakapā, sagriež seleriju, sarīvē burkānu. Dziļā pannā uzkarsē ghī sviestu un dažas sekundes apcep garšvielas. Pēc tam pievieno sīpolus, ķiplokus, seleriju un burkānu un cep aptuveni 4-5 minūtes. Pieliek sagrieztus puravus un turpina sautēt zem vāka vēl kādas 10 minūtes, ik pa laikam apmaisot. Pievieno kubiciņos sagrieztus kartupeļus un karstu ūdeni. Pieber sāli un piparus. Vāra, līdz kartupeļi gandrīz mīksti, tad pievieno sakapātus zaļumus un turpina vārīt, kamēr kartupeļi kļuvuši pavisam mīksti. Noņem no plīts, sablenderē vai samaļ virtuves kombainā. Lej šķīvjos un rotā ar sīki sagrieztiem paprikas gabaliņiem un pētersīļa lapiņām.
Labu ēstgribu!
Put the ghee or oil in a deep skillet over medium heat. When hot, add the spice (except salt and pepper) and fry for several seconds. Add the onion, the garlic, the celery and the carrot and cook, stirring, for 4-5 minutes. Then add the leeks and cook under the lid for another 10 minutes, stirring occasionally, then add the potatoes, hot water, salt and pepper. Cook until the potatoes are almost soft, then add parsley, dill and basil and continue to cook until the potatoes are soft. Puree the soup. Serve garnished with bell pepper and parsley.
Bon Appétit!
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